

じゃがいも 中4個 
塩 小さじ1+じゃがいもを茹でる際に少々
黒コショウ 小さじ1
卵 1個
薄力粉 190g+少々
バター 大さじ2
セージ 適量

1. 鍋にお湯を沸かし塩を入れ、じゃがいもを入れる。フォークがスッと通るまで、20~25分茹でる。水分を切り、冷まして粗熱を取る。
2. 皮を剥いてボウルに入れ、塊がなくなるまで潰す。塩、コショウを加え、よく混ぜる。
3. 真ん中にくぼみを作って卵を割り入れ、中心から混ぜる。徐々に外側のじゃがいもを加えて手で混ぜ合わせる。
4. (3)を作業台に載せる。薄力粉2分の3(約130g)を上から振りかけて素早くこねる。ベタつく場合は残りの薄力粉を少しずつ加える。生地がまとまったら4等分に分け、直径2.5cmのロープ状になるまで伸ばす。ロープ状の生地を2cmほどの幅で四角く切り分けて薄力粉をまぶす。残りの生地も同じようにする。
5. ニョッキを成形する。(4)で切り分けた生地をフォークの先に軽く押し付けながら転がし、また中央を指で押して、成形する。
6. 鍋に水と塩を入れて沸騰させ、何回かに分けて茹でる。くっつかないように時々混ぜ、ニョッキが浮いてきたら、15~30秒後にすくい出す。
7. 中火にかけたフライパンにバター、セージを入れる。ニョッキを加えて薄いキツネ色になるまで炒めたら、完成!

Homemade Potato Gnocchi
for 2 servings

4 medium russet potatoes
1 teaspoon salt, plus more for the water
1 teaspoon pepper
1 egg
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour(190 g), extra to dust
2 tablespoons butter, for pan frying
sage leaf

1. Add the potatoes to a large pot of cool salted water. Bring the water to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes, or until a fork can easily pierce a potato. Drain the potatoes and set aside until cool enough to handle but still warm.
2. Using a peeler or your fingers, remove the skin from the potatoes. In a medium bowl, mash the potatoes until all lumps are gone. Add the salt and pepper and mix well. Make a well in the center of the potatoes and crack an egg into it. Whisk the eggs briefly. Then, using your hands, gently mix it into the potatoes until evenly distributed.
3. Put 1 cups of flour onto a clean surface and turn out the potato dough onto it, keeping the remaining ½ cup close by in case you need it. Working quickly and carefully, knead the dough, only incorporating as much flour as you need along the way until the dough loses stickiness and becomes more solid. Slice the dough into 4 parts. Roll out 1 part into a long rope, about 1 inch wide, cutting in half and working with 1 half at a time if the rope is becoming too long. Slice the rope into ½-inch squares and set aside on a lightly floured surface. Repeat with the remaining dough.
4. If desired, place a fork on your work surface and slide each gnocchi square from the base of the fork prongs to the top so they make a decorative shape.
5. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add the gnocchi in batches, stirring gently once or twice to ensure they are not sticking. Boil until they float to the surface; after another 15-30 seconds in the water, remove.
6. In a pan over medium heat, melt butter and add the sage. Add the gnocchi and toss until lightly golden.
7. Enjoy!

#TastyJapan #レシピ

Licensed via Audio Network


  1. どうしても芋虫に見えてしまう(´;ω;`)ウッ…

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