

サラダチキン 1/2個
じゃがいも 1個
しめじ 1/2袋
冷凍うどん 1袋
クレソン 1/2束

生クリーム 200ml
水 200ml
固形コンソメ 1個
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
ピザ用チーズ 50g
黒コショウ 少々

1. じゃがいもは皮をむき、1cm角に切って水にさらす。しめじは石突きをとってほぐす。サラダチキンは食べやすい大きさに手でさく。クレソンは4cm幅のざく切りにする。

2. 一人用の鍋にオリーブオイルとにんにくを入れて弱火で炒め、香りが立ったらじゃがいもとしめじを加えてさっと炒めて、水と固形コンソメを加えて蓋を閉め、中火で5分煮る。

3. じゃがいもがやわらかくなったら生クリーム、辛子明太子、ピザ用チーズを加えてよく混ぜる。袋の時間通りに解凍した冷凍うどんを加えて蓋を閉め、1~2分煮る。

4. チーズが溶けてスープにとろみがついたら、サラダチキンとクレソンをトッピングする。ブラックペッパーをたっぷりかけたら、完成!

Here is what you’ll need!

Udon with mentai-cream sauce
Servings: 1

1/2 steamed chicken
1 potato
1/2 pack shimeji mushroom
1 pack frozen udon
1/2 bunch watercress

◾️Mental-cream sauce
200ml heavy cream
200ml water
1 consommé cube
1/2 garlic clove (minced)
1 tablespoon olive oil
50g spicy mentaiko
50g shredded cheese
Some black pepper

1. Peel potato skin and dice the potato into 1cm pieces. Put them in the water. Remove the root from shimeji mushroom and break apart. Sheered salad chicken. Cut watercress into 4cm pieces.

2. Heat olive oil and garlic in a small hot pot pan. Add diced potatoes and shimeji mushroom then stir. Add water and consommé cube and simmer wit a lid on for 5 minutes over medium heat.

3. When potatoes are cooked, add heavy cream, spicy mentaiko, and shredded cheese, then stir well. Defrost udon as instructed on the packaging, add into the pan. Simmer with a lid on for a few minutes.

4. When cheese are melted and the soup is thick, put chicken and watercress on top. Season with as much black pepper as you like.

5. Enjoy!



Licensed via Audio Network


  1. I like that this is a 2 person or 1 very hungry person portion. That casserole pot you cooked in is a good choice. Can you do this in a donabe? そのうどんは多くない,よかったです。でも、私は土鍋をつか料か?釉なべがあらない。

  2. Hey I just wanted to say that Jesus loves whoever reads this(Yes YOU!) & He is coming!! When many disappear from the earth, It's was the Rapture! |Romans 10:9-10  If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.| God sent His one and only Son to come die on the cross for us, He took that punishment that we deserve so u can have eternal life ( John 3:16 ) Please accept Christ and Live for Him today! Our tomorrow is not promised but your place in eternity, either Heaven and eternal Life by accepting Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10) or Hell and eternal death by not accepting Jesus Christ is (John 12:48-49), is promised!! John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  3. Can you make authentic Japan Japanese Recipe of Creamy & Nutty Avocado Cream Cheese Broth Soup with Dark Green Kale & Broccoli?

    With some Only Japanese Green Vegetables and Paste

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