Perfect for hot summer days, here’s the recipe for Japan’s classic cold ramen “Hiyashi Chuka”(冷やし中華) in a gluten-free version.
While traditional dressing use sugar, my recipe highlights the natural sweetness of apple cider vinegar and accents it with lemon.

You can use any gluten-free noodles available.
In the video, I used 100% rice vermicelli noodles.

Ingredients: 2 Servings

150g gluten-free noodles
(In this video, 100% rice vermicelli is used)

topping of your choice
1 cucumber
1 tomato
4 tbsp of corn
4 boiled edamame

150g chicken breast
1 tbsp sake (Japanese rice wine)
200cc water

2 eggs
pinch of salt
1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp apple vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp white sesame seeds

*Please use ingredients labelled as gluten-free.

Instructions: 2 servings

1: In a pot, bring water, sake, and chicken to a boil over medium heat.
Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 3 minutes. Flip the chicken and simmer for another 3 minutes.
Cover the pot, turn off the heat, and let it cook through with residual heat.

2: In a bowl, beat eggs with a pinch of salt until the egg whites are fully incorporated.

3: Heat a frying pan and lightly oil it. Pour half of the egg mixture into the pan and spread evenly.
Cook over low heat until the surface is dry, then cover with a lid, and turn off the heat.
After 2 minutes, if the egg is cooked through, it’s done. Repeat with the remaining egg mixture.

4: In a cup, mix soy sauce, apple vinegar, lemon juice, and sesame oil to make the dressing.

5: Prepare the toppings: cut the tomato wedges, julienne the cucumber, slice the egg crepe into thin strips, and shred the boiled chicken.

6: Boil water in a pot and cook the noodles. Once cooked, immediately rinse with cold water, drain thoroughly.

7: In a bowl, place the noodles and all the toppings, pour over the dressing, and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.
Mix the noodles, toppings and dressing well.

📖Since the sugar-free dressing has less sweetness, please enhance it with toppings such as sweet tomatoes, corn, or even pumpkin for added flavour.

You can find the full recipe here▼

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材料: 2人分

グルテンフリーの麺 150g

トマト 1個
きゅうり 1本
コーン 大さじ2
茹でた枝豆 大さじ2

むね肉 100g
酒 大さじ1

卵 2個
塩 ひとつまみ

しょうゆ 大さじ1
りんご酢 大さじ2
レモン果汁 小さじ1
ごま油 大さじ2
白ごま 大さじ1



1: 鍋に水、酒、胸肉を入れ中火で沸騰させる。沸騰したら弱火で3分ゆで、裏返してもう3分ゆでる。蓋をして火を止めて予熱で火を通す。

2: ボウルに卵と塩一つまみを入れ白身が残らないようよく溶く。

3: フライパンを熱し油を薄く引き、卵液の1/2を入れフライパンをまわしながら均一に広げる。

4: しょうゆ、りんご酢、レモン果汁、ごま油を混ぜてタレを作る。

5: トッピングのトマトはくし切りに、きゅうりと薄焼き卵は千切りに、胸肉はフォークでほぐす。

6: 鍋で水を沸騰させて麺を茹でる。

7: ボウルに麺を入れて、トッピングをのせ、たれをかけたら白ごまをふる。

#japanesefood #japanesecooking #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #japaneserecipes #salad #ramen

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