

バター(室温に戻しておく) 50g
粉砂糖 30g
卵白 1/2個
薄力粉 50g
チョコペン(茶色) 適量

① ボウルにバターを入れて練り、粉砂糖を加えてすり混ぜる。
② ①に卵白を少しずつ加えてその都度混ぜ、薄力粉を加えて切るように混ぜる。星型の口金を入れた絞り出し袋に詰める。
③ 天板にクッキングシートを敷き、②を間隔をあけて、くまの顔になるように絞り出す。160度に予熱したオーブンで15分焼き、冷ます。
④ ③にチョコペンで目と口を描いたら、完成!



Bear-shaped Piped Butter Cookies
Servings: 5

50g butter (at room temperature)
30g powdered sugar
1/2 egg white
50g cake flour
chocolate pen (brown), as needed

1. In a bowl, knead the butter and mix in the powdered sugar.
2. Gradually add the egg white to (1), mixing each time, then add the cake flour and mix gently. Transfer the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a star-shaped tip.
3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Pipe the mixture onto the sheet with some space between one another, forming a bear shape. Preheat the oven to 160°C and bake for 15 minutes. Let them cool.
4. Once cooled, use the chocolate pen to draw eyes and a mouth on each cookie.
5. Enjoy!

※Please use parchment paper suitable for use in temperatures up to 160°C for 15 minutes.



Licensed via Epidemic Sound

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