

大根 8センチ
ライスペーパー 4枚
サラダ油 大さじ2
【A】水 大さじ4
【A】めんつゆ(3倍濃縮 ) 大さじ2

① 大根は2センチの輪切りにする。耐熱皿にのせてラップをかけたら600Wの電子レンジで6分加熱し、粗熱をとる。
② ライスペーパーはぬるま湯で戻し、①をのせて包む。
③ フライパンにサラダ油をひいて中火で熱し、②を並べて焼く。両面こんがりと焼き色がつくまで焼き、器に盛る。鍋で煮立てた【A】をかけてお好みで小口切りにした小ねぎと七味唐辛子をかけたら、完成!


Rice Paper Fried Daikon in Dashi
1 serving

8cm daikon radish
4 sheets rice paper
2 tablespoons salad oil
4 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons men-tsuyu (Japanese noodle soup base)

1. Cut the daikon radish into 2cm-wide pieces. Place them on a microwave-safe dish, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave at 600W for 6 minutes. Allow to cool slightly.
2. Soak the rice paper in lukewarm water until soft, then place the cooked daikon on top and wrap it.
3. Heat salad oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Place the wrapped daikon in the pan and fry until golden brown on all sides. Transfer to a serving dish. In a small saucepan, heat [A] until boiling. Pour the mixture over the fried daikon. Garnish with chopped green onions and shichimi togarashi (Japanese seven-spice blend) to taste and serve.
4. Enjoy!



Licensed via Epidemic Sound

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