

 「ほんのりピンクが可愛い♪ 桜餅風!桜のお寿司おにぎり弁当」




【レシピリンク/Recipe link】

・蓮根金平(常備菜4)/Kinpira Renkon (Sauteed Lotus Root)Joubisai4
 https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=D6fvirhaOAk (4:45)

・寿司酢(常備菜20)/Sushi vinegar(Joubisai20)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j6EmkylR6s (1:57)

・片栗粉付きむき海老(常備菜41)/Shelled shrimp with potato starch(Frozen strage)(Joubisai41)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB4KjOOzw68 (1:58)

・お花卵焼き/Rolled omelet of flower
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl9FapOXQyk (0:19)


**Since the English do not know, it has been translated by using the google translation.
I’m sorry when I make a mistake.**

▼Today’s obento MENU 
・Sakura sushi rice ball
・Rolled omelet of flower
・Shrimp with mayonnais&sweet chili souce
・Kinpira Renkon (Sauteed Lotus Root)Joubisai4
・Celery wrapped in bacon

In my blog sidebar there is the translation button.
In the case of smartphones, it is available translation by the WEB version display.

#お弁当 #桜餅 #お花見

La Vie Cooking | Gourmet and Love