

即席中華麺(袋麺・辛味) 1袋
ピザ用チーズ 50g
ギョーザの皮 12枚
サラダ油 小さじ1
熱湯 大さじ4
ラー油調味料 適量
小ねぎ(小口切り) 適量
白ごま 適量

① 即席中華麺は袋の表記通りにゆで、お湯を切って耐熱ボウルに入れる。付属のスープの素を加えてよく混ぜ、キッチンバサミで食べやすく切る。
② ギョーザの皮に①とピザ用チーズを適量のせて包む。
③ フライパンにサラダ油をひいて②を並べ、中火で焼き色がつくまで焼く。熱湯を加えてふたをし、水分がなくなるまで4〜5分蒸し焼きにする。
④ 器に③を盛り、ラー油調味料をかけ、小ねぎと白ごまをのせたら、完成!


Ramen Cheese Dumplings
Servings: 2

1 pack ramen (spicy flavor)
50g shredded cheese
12 dumpling wrappers
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
4 tablespoons hot water
Chili oil, as needed
Chopped scallions, as needed
White sesame seeds, as needed

1. Boil the ramen noodle as the package instruction. Drain and put the noodle into a heat-proof bowl. Add the flavor packet into the bowl and stir well. With scissors, cut the noodle.
2. Put the noodle (1) and shredded cheese on a dumpling wrapper and close it. Make 11 more.
3. Place all dumplings (2) on a lightly oiled pan. Cook on medium heat until golden. Add the how water and cook for 4 to 5 minutes with a lid on until water is gone.
4. Place dumplings on a plate. Add some chili oil. Put chopped scallions and sesame seeds on top.
5. Enjoy!



Licensed via Epidemic Sound

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