おなべひとつで🍛 簡単バターチキンカレー
鶏むね肉 900g
塩コショウ 適量
チリパウダー 小さじ1
ターメリック 小さじ1/2

バター 40g
ガラムマサラ 小さじ3
チリパウダー 小さじ1
クミン 小さじ1
カイエンペッパー 小さじ1
おろし生姜 大さじ1
おろしにんにく 3片
シナモンスティック 3本
トマトソース 400g
バター(仕上げ用) 20g
水 240ml
生クリーム 240ml
パクチー 適量
ごはん 適量







  1. If you're going to have "Oh yes!" in English at the end, you could at least have the ingredients in English as well.

  2. guys… this recipe is on regular tasty too. its the butter chicken. ya'll really furthering the stereotype that english speakers are entitled

  3. Mm Japanese style curry. They added Curry powder, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon stick (obvious) milk, chili powder.

  4. ===
    Chicken breast meat 900g
    Salt pepper qs
    1 teaspoon chilled powder
    1/2 teaspalical turmeric

    Butter 40 g
    1.5 cups onion (square cut)
    3 teaspoons garlic masala
    1 teaspoon chilled powder
    1 teaspoon of cumin
    1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
    1 tbsp grated ginger
    3 pieces of grated garlic
    3 cinnamon sticks
    Tomato sauce 400 g
    Butter (for finishing) 20 g
    Water 240 ml
    Fresh cream 240ml
    Pakuti suitable amount
    Rice proper quantity

    How to make
    1. Cut the chicken breast in a bite, put it in the bowl, and sweeten with salt pepper, chili powder and turmeric for 15 minutes.

    2. Heat half of butter in pan and fry (1). When fire passes, it leaves on a dish.

    3. Heat the remaining butter in the same pot and fry it with onions, garlic, garam masala, ginger, chili powder, cumin, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and salt pepper.

    4. Add scented tomato sauce, water and cream. (2), put on the lid and cook for 10-15 minutes.

    5. Add and dissolve butter for finishing, prepare the taste with salt and pepper, finished!

    translated by google translate

  5. バターカレー食べるのはメチャクチャ大好きですが作っているの見るのは初めてです!(笑)

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