茶道 – Japanese Tea Ceremony –

撮影協力: 茶 岡野園


  1. Is this ritual common in day to day life or is it just for special occasions? Is it like once in a year thing or very often?

  2. In the United States, experienced truck drivers have a similar level of attentiveness to routine. Gloves being worn and removed methodically, hoses and cables being linked and detached in certain patterns, parts being checked and tested in order. It centers around cleanliness and consideration. Not many people would think of tea, or trucking, as requiring so much attention to detail. It's lost on younger generations, but the world would be better off if it wasn't.

  3. 単純に抹茶の味が好きだから後世にも残っていて欲しいな

  4. Honestly, i need to adopt this rite, i know its a bit superstitious, but they way you are supposed to do it is a mean of teaching a person to remain calm and remember each step, to not do things in a hurry, to be in the moment so you will follow it correctly and its a thing that i feel may help anyone nowadays, considering how things are going…

  5. I just seen this tea ceremony on a cartoon called Samurai Jack! He did everything the exact same way .

  6. I am not a Japanese man but due to anime and other shows I am so much kind of attractive towards Japanese culture and tradition and it's amazing salute to Japanese culture from india 🇮🇳

  7. Please explain is it sadou or chanoyu???? the title of this video is sadou but the woman narrating this said chanoyu. So confusing!

  8. POV: you want know more about tea ceremony because you are a pokémon fan and just met Poltchageist

  9. この動画がとっても良かったから、ほかの動画を覗きにチャンネルへ行ったら「韓国風」とか、VTuberっぽいイラストのサムネが並んでて残念だった。
    チャンネル名がTasty Japanなので、こういう日本の美・食について紹介してるチャンネルかなと思ったので…。

  10. my school had to cite this video (it was painful as hell)

  11. 緑茶が欲しいです I’m trying to learn Japanese pls anyone tell me if I made a mistake

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