Goya Chanpulu is a traditional food in Okinawa, Japan’s southernmost prefecture.
In Japan, Goya (Bitter Mellon) is eaten often in Summer.

The common ingredient of the Goya Chanpulu is Goya, Tofu, Egg, bean sprouts and Spam ( or bacon or pork).
This recipe does not include Spam ( or bacon or pork) so is okay for vegetarians.

Goya Chanpulu

– 1 Goya (Bitter Melon)
– 1 tofu (Momen Dofu or Shima Dofu is better)
– bean sprouts (moyashi)
– 2tbsp, sesame oil
– 2tbsp, soy sause (shoyu)
– 1tbsp, chicken or fish bouillon
– 2 eggs
– salt
– pepper
– 1package of Katsuobushi

1. Cut the Goya in half and scrape off the seeds with a spoon . Slice it thin in half round.
2. Add salt in the Goya to remove the bitter taste. Leave it for 3min
3. Wrap the tofu in kitchen towel and put it in the microwave to take out the moisture in the tofu. Heat it for 30sec
4. Put Goya in boiled water for 30 sec. This helps to remove bitter taste from Goya as well
5. Add sesame oil in the heated pan
6. Add Goya, tofu, bean sprouts in the pan and heat it till its cooked
7. Add bouillon, soy sauce to the pan and mix it up
8. Add the beaten egg and leave it till its slightly cooked
9. Add salt and pepper
10. Put Katsuobushi on top

Goya, Bitter Mellon, Okinawa, Japanese food, How to, Champulu, recipie, ゴーヤ, 料理, レシピ, 方法, 作り方, ゴーヤチャンプルー, 沖縄料理, 夏野菜, コツ


ゴーヤチャンプルの作り方 – 使えるレシピ

苦味抜群!ゴーヤチャンプルの作り方 | Goya



Goyachanpuru recipe ゴーヤチャンプルのレシピ・作り方

基本のゴーヤチャンプルーのレシピ | 料理サプリ

簡単料理 秒速激うま ゴーヤチャンプルのレシピ

(有)カネヨ販売 母ゆずり淡口 「ゴーヤチャンプル」の作り方



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1 Comment

  1. You are making me hungry making all that okinawan food guess when we get home my wife will have to cook that.so many different ways to make Goya champuru.

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