

牛乳 250ml
生クリーム 50ml
砂糖 大さじ2
ほうじ茶葉 15g
粉ゼラチン 5g
水(ゼラチン用) 大さじ2

水 250ml
ほうじ茶葉 5g
砂糖 大さじ1
粉ゼラチン 5g
水(ゼラチン用) 大さじ2

ホイップクリーム 適量
栗の甘露煮 2個
粒あん 適量
いちご 適量
黒蜜 適量







Roasted Green Tea Parfait
Servings: 2

Roasted Green Tea Mousse
250 milliliters milk
15 grams roasted green tea leaves
2 tablespoons sugar
5 grams gelatin mixed with 2 tablespoons water
50 milliliters heavy cream

Roasted Green Tea Jelly
250 milliliters water
5 grams roasted green tea leaves
1 tablespoon sugar
5 grams gelatin mixed with 2 tablespoons water

For Serving
Whipped cream
Brown sugar syrup
Red bean paste
Sweet-boiled chestnuts
Fresh strawberries

Make the mousse: In a small pan, heat the milk over medium heat until starts bubbling. Add the roasted green tea, reduce the heat to low, cover, and steep for 5 minutes.
Strain the steeped milk through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium bowl and discard the leaves. Immediately add the sugar and gelatin mixture, and whisk well. Let cool.
In a separate medium bowl, beat the heavy cream with an electric hand mixer until medium peaks form. Add to the milk mixture and whisk to incorporate.
Divide the mousse mixture between 2 glasses, filling them halfway. Chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, make the jelly: In a small pan, bring the water to a boil over medium heat. Once boiling, add the roasted green tea, reduce the heat to low, cover, and steep for 5 minutes.
Strain the steeped tea through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium bowl and discard the leaves. Immediately add the sugar and gelatin mixture, and whisk well. Pour into a shallow pan and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour, until set.
Once set, fluff the jelly and break up with a fork.

Top the chilled mousse with the jelly. Pipe whipped cream on top and drizzle with brown sugar syrup. Garnish with red bean paste, sweet-boiled chestnuts, and strawberries.


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