
Tastyプロデューサーは、素人がイラストで描いた “夢の料理” を再現できるのか…?

English subtitles are now available! Please click the CC button to turn it on.


  1. はちゃめちゃな注文なのに、奇をてらった食材などは使わず、味も美味しくまとめて形にできてしまう発想力と知識、技術力が素晴らしいですね。

  2. センスがある、ないは料理を作る腕でわかるんですが、sakiさんの態度が好きになれません。

  3. I watched halfway into the video until I realized there was subs.🙃was trying to make sense of what they were saying by connecting the little bits of Japanese that I knew.😂😂😂

  4. If ur on a show like this, you can take advantage of it to eat whatever you want since ur not the one making it, let the chefs struggle and just pick a winner

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