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Tasty Japanでいつも料理動画を作っているProducerの3人が、味だけで高級食材を当てる「格付けバトル」で対決しました!一番正解できなかった人には罰ゲームも…。

Tasty Japanは、こちらのアカウントでも動画を配信しています!





  1. I see Red, I click the video.
    But Daiki with that manga eyes patch is a concept which kept me staying.

  2. What a coincidence, ガクト様 also gets everything right in 芸能人格付けチェック. So maybe Daiki is secretly Gackt. Have we ever seen them in the same room at the exact same time? Hmmmmmmmn

  3. 1st thing Daiki says "There's a smell of Red's finger, isn't it?" DEAD how does he know wat Red's fingers smells like!!! Lowkey I ship them 😂😂😂

  4. こういう企画好き!もっとやってほしい…!🤗

  5. i was expecting Daiki can dress in a more formal way, before i remind myself it is cooking channel.

  6. 普段のレシピ動画も好きだけどこういう企画ももっとやってほしい~~✨

  7. Daiki is ok after tasting too spicy 🌶 food
    Daiki is ok after drinking too bitter drink.

    How's Daiki's test buds 🤔

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