

かぼちゃ 120g
栗の甘露煮 100g
生クリーム 大さじ1

生クリーム 200ml
グラニュー糖 20g
ラム酒 少々

栗の甘露煮 2個
お好みのビスケット 2枚
粉砂糖 適量

1. 栗かぼちゃクリームを作る。かぼちゃは皮をむいて一口大に切り、さっと水にくぐらせて耐熱ボウルに入れ、ふんわりとラップをかけて600Wの電子レンジで5分加熱する。
2. (1) のかぼちゃが竹串がすっと通るくらいやわらかくなったらかるく水気を切り、栗の甘露煮も加えて、熱いうちにマッシャーで潰してなめらかにする。
3. (2) にバターと生クリームを加え、ゴムベラに持ち替えてなじむまで混ぜたら、モンブラン用の口金をつけた絞り袋に入れ、冷蔵庫に入れて冷やしておく。
4. ボウルに生クリーム、グラニュー糖、ラム酒を入れて泡立て器でかため(8分立て)に泡立てたら、大きめの丸口金をつけた絞り袋に入れ、冷蔵庫に入れて冷やしておく。
5. ビスケットの上に(4)の生クリームをぽってりと絞り、栗の甘露煮を一粒のせて、もう一度生クリームを絞る。
Here is what you’ll need!

Servings: 2

■Chestnut pumpkin cream
120 grams Pumpkin
100 grams Boiled Chestnut
20 grams Butter (at room temperature)
1 tablespoon Heavy cream

■Whipped Cream
200 milliliters Heavy cream
20 grams Granulated sugar
A little rum

2 Sweet boiled chestnuts
2 Biscuits
Powdered sugar

1. Make the chestnut pumpkin cream. Peel the pumpkin, cut it into bite-sized pieces, soak it in water for a few seconds, remove from water and place in a heat-resistant bowl, loosely cover it with plastic wrap, and heat it in a 600W microwave oven for 5 minutes.
2. When the pumpkin in (1) becomes soft, drain it, and add the boiled chestnuts. Mash it with a potato masher while it is still hot until smooth.
3. Add butter and fresh cream to (2),mix well with a rubber spatula. Pour the mixture into a piping bag with a Montblanc nozzle and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
4. Make the whipped cream. Add fresh cream, granulated sugar and rum in a bowl and whisk until it makes peaks. Put in a piping bag with a large round nozzle, and place in the refrigerator to cool.
5. Squeeze the whipped cream of (4) on a biscuit, place a boiled chestnut in the middle, and squeeze more cream on top.
6. Squeeze the pumpkin and chestnut mixture(3) so that the fresh cream is completely covered, and sprinkle with powdered sugar to complete!
7. Enjoy!

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