

スパゲッティ(1.4mm) 160g
にんにく(スライス) 2片
にんにく(みじん切り) 2片
赤唐辛子(輪切り) 1本
スライスベーコン(1cm細切り) 50g
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
スパゲッティの茹で汁 50ml
しょうゆ 大さじ1
塩 少々
コショウ 少々

大葉(みじん切り) 2枚

1. 鍋にたっぷりの湯を沸かして塩を溶かし(湯1ℓに対して塩10gが目安)、スパゲッティを袋の表記時間より1分短く茹でる。茹で上がったらザルに上げて湯を切り、茹で汁は取って置く。
2. フライパンに半量のオリーブオイル、にんにく(スライス)を入れて弱火にかけ、きつね色になったら皿に取り出す。(トッピングに使用する。)
3. (2)のフライパンに、にんにく(みじん切り)、赤唐辛子を入れて再び火にかけ、香りが立ったらベーコンを加えて炒める。
4. 茹で汁を加え、煮立ったら残りのオリーブオイルを加えフライパンを揺すりながら水分とオイルを乳化させる。
5. (1)のスパゲッティを加えてしょうゆを回し入れ、汁気がなくなるまで混ぜ合わせる。塩、コショウで味を調える。


Here is what you’ll need!

Garlic scent Spaghetti aglio e olio with soy sauce
Servings: 2

160g spaghetti (1.4mm)
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic (sliced)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 chilli pepper (sliced)
50g bacon (sliced)
50ml pasta water
1 tablespoon soy sauce
A pinch salt and pepper

2 perilla (shiso) leaves (chopped)

1. Put a pot of salted water on to boil and cook spaghetti. Cook 1 minute shorter than a recommended cooking time on the pasta package. Reserve some pasta water (50ml). Drain pasta into a colander.
2. Heat olive oil and sliced garlic over low heat until beautifully golden. Transfer garlic to a plate. (Save for toppings.)
3. Stir fry minced garlic and chili pepper in the same pan. Add bacon.
4. Add reserved pasta water. When it comes to a boil, add the remaining olive oil. Stir and toss to make the oil to emulsify.
5. Put spaghetti back into the pan and pour soy sauce. Stir until the sauce thickened. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Transfer spaghetti to a plate. Put sliced garlic (2) and perilla leaves on top.
7. Enjoy!

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Licensed via Audio Network


  1. japan is the first place i ever had anything called "aglio e olio e peperoncino" (and i guess most Italians would prefer to consider it a separate dish from what they might make themselves anyway). there's also prepackaged sauce for this but it's a bit expensive and wasteful since it's so easy to make yourself. i use dashi granules (since the package ingredients usually included something like bonito) rather than soy sauce, and don't bother with bacon.

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