

鶏手羽元 12本
じゃがいも(あらかじめゆでる) 2個
サラダ油 大さじ2
【A】にんにく(潰す) 2片
【A】玉ねぎ(薄切り) 1個
【A】ローリエ 2枚
【A】 黒コショウ(粒) 適量
酢 150ml
【B】しょうゆ 40ml
【B】水 150ml
【B】砂糖 20g

① サラダ油をひいたフライパンに鶏手羽元を入れ、中火で両面こんがりと焼く。
② ①に【A】を加え、全体に火が通るまで炒める。
③ ②に酢を入れて一度沸かす。弱火にし、ふたをして15分ほど煮る。
④ ③に【B】を加え混ぜたら、あらかじめゆでておいたじゃがいもを入れてふたをして、さらに15分ほど煮る。手羽元に色がついたら、完成!


Chicken Adobo
Serves 2

12 pieces of chicken wing
2 potatoes (previously boiled)
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 cloves of garlic (crushed)
1 onion (thinly sliced)
2 bay leaves
Black peppercorns (to taste)
150 ml of vinegar
40 ml of soy sauce
150 ml of water
20 grams of sugar

1. In a frying pan with vegetable oil, add the chicken wing and cook over medium heat until both sides are golden brown.
2. Add crushed garlic, sliced onion, bay leaves, and black peppercorns to the pan with the chicken. Sauté until everything is well combined and the chicken is cooked through.
3. Pour vinegar into the pan, let it come to a boil, then reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes.
4. Add soy sauce and water to the mixture from step 3, and then add the previously boiled potatoes.
5. Cover again and continue simmering for another 15 minutes. When the chicken wing has absorbed color and flavor, it’s ready to serve!
6. Enjoy!



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