このレシピは、Tasty Japanの新しいレシピ本『#コスパ最強おかず』にも収録!楽天ブックスなどで発売中 <先着で特典アリ> → https://a.r10.to/hyt6k9


木綿豆腐 200g
鶏ひき肉 200g
長ねぎ(みじん切り) 1/2本
塩 小さじ2/3
片栗粉 大さじ2
粗挽き黒コショウ 少々
サラダ油 大さじ1
Aしょうゆ 大さじ2
A酒 大さじ2
A砂糖 大さじ2
白ごま 少々
卵黄 1個
大葉(千切り) 3枚

1. 木綿豆腐は水気を切り、キッチンペーパーに包んで耐熱皿にのせ、600Wの電子レンジで1分半加熱し、粗熱をとる。

2. ボウルに鶏ひき肉と塩を入れて粘り気が出るまでよくこねる。白っぽくなったら(1) 、長ねぎ、片栗粉、粗挽き黒コショウを入れ、豆腐の粒が小さくなるまでよく練り混ぜる。

3. (2)を8等分して丸め、中火でサラダ油を熱したフライパンに並べて焼く。

4. 焼き色がついたら裏返し、フタを閉めて弱火で10分蒸し焼きにして、火が通ったら一度取り出す。

5. そのままのフライパンにAを入れてひと煮立ちさせ、(4)を戻し入れて焼き絡める。

6. 器に盛って白ごまをふり、卵黄と大葉を添えて完成!


Fluffy Tofu Balls
Servings: 2

200g tofu (firm)
200g ground chicken
1/2 leek (chopped)
2/3 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons potato starch
Some black pepper
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sake
2 tablespoons sugar

Some white sesame seeds
1 egg yolk
3 perilla leaves (chopped)

1. Drain the tofu. Wrap the tofu with paper towels and place on a heat-proof plate. Microwave for a minute and half at 600W. Let cool.

2. Knead the ground chicken with salt in a bowl. Add the tofu (1), chopped leeks, potato starch, and black pepper. Mix until well combined.

3. Divide (2) into 8 parts and form into balls. Heat vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat. Cook tofu balls.

4. Flip tofu balls when golden. Simmer with a lid on for 10 minutes over low heat. Transfer them to a plate.

5. Add all A ingredients into the pan and simmer. Put tofu balls back to the pan.

6. Place tofu balls with sauce on a plate. Sprinkle some white sesame seeds. Serve with the egg yolk and chopped perilla leaves.

7. Enjoy!



Licensed via Audio Network


  1. Oh I’m making these one day!!! I just need to get some ingredients I don’t normally have in my kitchen!

  2. made this with ground pork, added some more veggies inside (minced carrot, cabbage and green onion) and seasoned with a bit of chicken powder and it was great!! doesn't take long to make at all either. definitely going to be a staple recipe I go back to!!

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