

大根 100g
なす 2本
鶏むね肉 1枚(250g)
めんつゆ(2倍濃縮) 大さじ2
おろししょうが 小さじ1/4(チューブの場合2センチ)
片栗粉 適量
サラダ油 適量
小ねぎ(小口切り) 適量
砂糖 大さじ1
水 大さじ1
しょうゆ 大さじ1と1/2

① 大根はすりおろす。
② 鶏むね肉は縦半分に切り、7センチ〜8センチ幅の一口大のそぎ切りにして袋に入れ、めんつゆ、おろししょうがを加えてもみ込み、1〜2分おく。
③ なすは乱切りにする。鶏肉の汁気をふき取り、片栗粉を薄くまぶす。
④ たれの砂糖、水、しょうゆを合わせる。
⑤ フライパンにサラダ油(大さじ2程度)を引き、鶏肉を皮面から入れ中火でこんがりと焼く。裏返してサラダ油(適量)を足し、なすを加えて焼く。
⑥ ⑤に④のたれを加えて火にかけて煮絡ませ、とろみがついたら火を止める。器に盛り、大根おろしを軽く絞ってのせ、たれと小ねぎをかけたら、完成!


Grilled Chicken with Daikon Oroshi
Servings: 2

100g daikon (Japanese radish)
2 eggplant
1 chicken breast (250g)
2 tablespoons noodle soup base (aka mentsuyu)
1/4 teaspoon grated ginger
Potato starch, as needed
Vegetable oil, as needed
Chopped scallions, as needed
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon water
1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce

1. Grate the daikon. (*Daikon oroshi is grated radish.)
2. Cut the chicken into halves and then slice them into smaller pieces. Put them in a plastic bag with noodle soup base and grated ginger. Rub the chicken over the bag and marinate for a few minutes.
3. Cut the eggplant. With paper towels, pat dry the chicken pieces (2) and dust with potato starch.
4. Mix all of the ingredients for the sauce in a bowl.
5. Put vegetable oil (abt. 2 tablespoons) in a pan. Cook the chicken pieces (chicken skin down) on medium heat. When chicken skin gets crispy, flip them. Add vegetable oil (if needed) and cook eggplant slices.
6. Add the sauce (4) into the pan and simmer. It is done when the sauce gets thicken. Place the chicken and the eggplant on a plate. Squeeze the grated daikon (1) and put on the chicken. Add some sauce and chopped scallions on top.
7. Enjoy!



Licensed via Epidemic Sound

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