In this video, I explore traditional Japanese recipes and the benefits of the ingredients, sharing insights that could be key to a healthier lifestyle.

My grandparents lived into their 90s without major health issues by following a traditional Japanese diet, while my parents, who adopted a modern diet, are facing lifestyle diseases in their 60s and 70s.
Although my grandparents’ diet seemed simple and unexciting, I now believe there may be valuable health insights to be found there.
With this in mind, I’ve compiled a video summarising the benefits of ingredients alongside recipes.

In some countries, eating octopus is not common, but you can still make a delicious Japanese salad without it.

Ingredients: 4 Servings

2 Cucumbers
3g Dried Wakame Seaweed
70g Cooked Octopus

2 tbsp Vinegar
1/2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1/2 tbsp Mirin

200ml Water
1 tsp Salt

*Please use gluten-free ingredients.


1: Heat the mirin in the microwave at 600W for 60 seconds, or simmer it in a pan to evaporate the alcohol.
2: In a cup, mix together the mirin, vinegar, and soy sauce.
3: Trim the ends off the cucumber and place chopsticks on the top and bottom of the cucumber.
Make 1mm-wide cuts until the knife touches the chopsticks.
Turn the cucumber over and make similar cuts on the other side.
4: In a bowl, mix water and salt, then soak the cucumbers for about 15 minutes.
5: Rehydrate the wakame in water. Drain well and cut into suitable pieces.
6: Slice the cooked octopus. Cut the cucumber into bite-sized pieces after draining off the salt water.
7: In a bowl, combine the cucumber, wakame, and octopus with the prepared dressing, and toss everything together.



材料: 4人分
きゅうり 2本
乾燥わかめ 3g
ゆでだこ 70g

酢 大さじ2
しょうゆ 大さじ1/2
本みりん 大さじ1/2

水 200ml
塩 小さじ1


1: 本みりんは電子レンジで600Wで60秒加熱するか、鍋で煮切ってアルコールを飛ばしておく。
2: カップで本みりん、酢、しょうゆ、を混ぜる。
3: きゅうりの両端を切り落とし、箸をきゅうりの上下に置く。
4: ボウルに水と塩を混ぜ、きゅうりを15分ほど漬けておく。
5: わかめを水で戻す。水気をしっかり切り、適度な大きさに切る。
6: ゆでだこを一口大に切る。きゅうりは塩水をしっかり切り、一口大に切る。
7: ボウルにきゅうり、わかめ、タコを入れて合わせ酢と和える。

#healthyrecipes #japaneserecipes #japanesecooking #healthy #japanesefood #saladrecipe #japanesesalad #weightlossrecipe #longevity #longevitysecrets #seafood #酢の物

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